
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wrath of Heroes BETA 3: Nethys Character Breakdown!

The Third Phase of the Warhammer Online: Wrath of Heroes Beta Phase ended a few days ago! After much mayhem, carnage, and bloodshed, the introduction of the new Blackfire Pass map and the two new heroes, Gromkin and Aessa, was successfully completed. Now all we have to do is wait for the next round of tests, right? Wrong! Instead we are going to use everything we have learned from the game so far and make a character breakdown of all characters in the game!

I will also use those character breakdowns to discuss some general aspects of the game, including the strategy and the overall gameplay and pace.

The first character of this serie of posts will be the character that surprised everyone during the Beta: Nethys, the Insatiable.

It won't be the last time you see Korith in such a... situation. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

At the Attention of Zero Fortitude! On the Occupy Movement and Economy!

Yo, guys, just wanted to talk about the "rant" about the Occupy movement in your last episode. First off, I want to say that I REALLY really like you guys, have been listening to your podcast for at least 5 months and I have always enjoyed your episodes.
But I have to say that I have been a bit saddened by this rant in your last episode, I know it's your opinion and I actually agree with some stuffs you said (liberal arts are super effective!! *sarcasm*) but they are some stuffs I think you should realize about this whole Occupy Movement.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Melee problem in DC Universe Online!

DC Universe Online is a MMORPG that let you play alongside your favorites DC Comics characters on your PC or your Playstation 3. The game is one of those that have a strong potential of enjoyment, however some glaring issues taint an overall fun and very intense experience. One of those issues is the current status of melee in this game!

Yep, another game where melee gets the short hand of the stick, how surprising!

Week of the Betas! Wrath of Heroes in 3rd Phase of Beta!

I'm currently testing the 3rd phase of the Wrath of Heroes beta.

Wrath of Heroes is definitively an interesting game, you can sense a kind of spark of genius behind the whole thing, however it falls short of being truly extraordinary. However the nature of the beast make for good material for design lessons and advice. One of the goals of this blog will be to discuss the various aspect of PvP games and the design intents behind the presence and, most of the time, the absence of some mechanics.

Friday, November 25, 2011


Hello, everyone! This blog is my opportunity to share some of my thoughts and cerebral ramblings on different fields, be it game development, entertainment, economics, philosophy, or story-writing. It will also serve as a platform to discuss the design process of several projects I'm currently working on, I hope you will enjoy the various things I will share with you and hopefully profit from them in your own life.

Alright, shall we begin?